John Landis | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)

Highest Rated: 100% King Cohen: The Wild World of Filmmaker Larry Cohen (2017)

Lowest Rated: 7% An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)

Birthday: Aug 3, 1950

Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Though not nearly a household name like contemporary filmmakers Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, writer-director-occasional actor John Landis became one of the more important Hollywood filmmakers to come into prominence in the late 1970s. Enormously successful and influential, particularly because of the first half of his career, Landis directed some of the seminal comedies of the century, including "The Kentucky Fried Movie" (1977) and the college favorite "National Lampoon's Animal House" (1978). Following the huge success of "Animal House," which spawned new generations of fans throughout the years, Landis scored another big hit with "The Blues Brothers" (1980), marking a high point in his career, which he followed with the cult classic "An American Werewolf in London" (1981). Accused of being responsible for an unspeakable tragedy following the deaths of three actors, including Vic Morrow, on the set of "The Twilight Zone - The Movie" (1983), Landis hit a career skid that saw few highlights - only "Trading Places" (1983) and "Coming to America" (1988) being worthy of any note. Though he directed Michael Jackson's "Thriller" (1983), widely considered to be the best music video ever made, and later Jackson's "Black or White" (1991), one of the most-watched videos of all time, Landis was unable to resuscitate his feature career, even when trying to recapture old magic with "Blues Brothers 2000" (1998). Still, Landis remained an influential filmmaker, if only because of past glories.

Highest rated movies

100% 84% King Cohen: The Wild World of Filmmaker Larry Cohen Watchlist 92% 62% Boris Karloff: The Man Behind the Monster Watchlist 92% 72% Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan Watchlist 91% 89% National Lampoon's Animal House Watchlist 91% 82% Belushi Watchlist 89% 85% Trading Places Watchlist 89% 85% An American Werewolf in London Watchlist 88% 73% Machete Maidens Unleashed! Watchlist 88% 89% Smoke Watchlist 83% 66% The Kentucky Fried Movie Watchlist


View All John Landis photos

John Landis

John Landis TWILIGHT ZONE: THE MOVIE, co-director and producer John Landis, 1983, (c) Warner Bros TURNABOUT, John Hubbard, Carole Landis, 1940 NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE, from left: Donald Sutherland, director John Landis, on set, 1978. ©Universal Pictures INTO THE NIGHT, John Landis (second from left rear), 1985, (c)Universal THE BLUES BROTHERS, Director John Landis, 1980, ©Universal SPIES LIKE US, director John Landis, 1985, © Warner Bros. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION, John Landis, 1990. ©Taurus Entertainment Company AMERICAN GRINDHOUSE, John Landis, 2010. ©Lorber Films The Real History of Science Fiction, John Landis, 04/19/2014, ©BBCAMERICA View more photos



92% 62% Boris Karloff: The Man Behind the Monster Self - 2021
No Score Yet 100% I Am Alfred Hitchcock Self - 2021
91% 82% Belushi Self - 2020
22% 78% I Hate Kids Executive Producer - 2018
100% 84% King Cohen: The Wild World of Filmmaker Larry Cohen Self - 2017
No Score Yet No Score Yet The Frankenstein Complex Unknown (Character) - 2015
77% 43% Tales of Halloween Jebediah Rex (Character) - 2015
80% 53% Out of Print Unknown (Character) - 2014
92% 72% Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan Unknown (Character) - 2011
78% 59% Some Guy Who Kills People Executive Producer - 2011
32% 35% Director $947 2010
88% 73% Machete Maidens Unleashed! Unknown (Character) - 2010
75% 71% American Grindhouse Unknown (Character) $4.6K 2010
No Score Yet No Score Yet The Man Who Saw Frankenstein Cry Self - 2010
80% 79% Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project Unknown (Character),
- 2007
No Score Yet No Score Yet Famous Monster: Forrest J. Ackerman Self - 2007
14% 25% Surviving Eden Dr. Levine (Character) - 2004
67% 63% Slasher Director - 2004
67% 74% American Nightmare Self - 2000
31% 63% Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby Judge (Character) - 1999
26% 30% Diamonds Gambler (Character) $81.9K 1999
No Score Yet 56% The Lost World Executive Producer - 1999
46% 37% Blues Brothers 2000 Director,
$14.0M 1998
No Score Yet 21% Susan's Plan Producer,
- 1998
7% 30% An American Werewolf in Paris Writer $26.6M 1997
21% 38% The Stupids Director $2.4M 1996
No Score Yet 32% The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas Executive Producer - 1996
88% 89% Smoke Director $8.3M 1995
No Score Yet 44% Here Come the Munsters Executive Producer - 1995
No Score Yet 80% The Legend of Dolemite! Unknown (Character) - 1994
10% 35% Beverly Hills Cop III Director $41.5M 1994
No Score Yet 20% Body Chemistry II: The Voice of a Stranger Dr. Edwards (Character) - 1992
29% 31% Sleepwalkers Lab Technician (Character) $28.1M 1992
36% 45% Innocent Blood Director $4.2M 1992
11% 64% Oscar Director $23.5M 1991
No Score Yet 18% Spontaneous Combustion Radio Technician (Character) - 1990
73% 85% Coming to America Director $128.1M 1988
65% 58% Amazon Women on the Moon Director $388.2K 1987
45% 67% Three Amigos! Director $36.2M 1986
40% 49% Into the Night SAVAK (Character),
- 1985
72% 86% Clue Writer,
Executive Producer
$13.4M 1985
35% 56% Spies Like Us Director $56.5M 1985
60% 55% Twilight Zone: The Movie Director,
- 1983
89% 85% Trading Places Director - 1983
No Score Yet 89% Thriller Director - 1983
89% 85% An American Werewolf in London Director,
- 1981
72% 92% The Blues Brothers Director,
- 1980
91% 89% National Lampoon's Animal House Director - 1978
83% 66% The Kentucky Fried Movie Director - 1977
75% 44% Schlock Schlock (Character),
- 1973
36% 30% Battle for the Planet of the Apes Jake's friend (Character) - 1973
No Score Yet No Score Yet The Banana Monster Schlock (Character),
- 1971
No Score Yet No Score Yet Spies A-Go-Go Director - 1964


No Score Yet No Score Yet 20/20 Guest 2018
No Score Yet No Score Yet Face Off Unknown (Guest Star) 2017
61% 84% Director 2012
89% 94% Psych Director 2008
No Score Yet No Score Yet Fear Itself Director 2008
63% 79% Masters of Horror Director,
No Score Yet 88% Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World Executive Producer 1999-2002
No Score Yet No Score Yet Weird Science Executive Producer 1994-1998
No Score Yet No Score Yet Caroline in the City Unknown (Guest Star) 1996
No Score Yet 75% Sliders Executive Producer 1995
No Score Yet No Score Yet The Six Million Dollar Man Michael (Guest Star) 1974
John Landis | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.